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Numerologist: The #MeToo storm will last for half a year


這篇文章討論了有關最近 #MeToo 運動爆發的原因以及未來六個月可能發生的事件。據風水數字學專家邱彥龍所言,這起事件的爆發主要是因為命運星球土星的活化所導致的。此外,催幻行星海王星的力量也可能會爆發。 從數字學的角度來看,這篇文章非常有趣,並提供了其他角度的思考。然而,這些相信數字學的預測必須謹慎,因為未來是不可預知的。我們應該謹慎並尋求多方面的意見,而不是完全跟隨某個預測。 此外,這篇文章仍有不足之處。它可能太過著重於數字學的角度,而忽略了社會、文化以及其他因素的影響。我們應該注意到這些因素對於事件的發生有著重要的影響。因此,我們需要綜合各種資訊和角度,了解、分析事件,才能更好地理解真相。 總的來說,這篇文章提供了有趣的觀點,但我們必須謹慎,不要相信任何一個預測。我們需要從多個角度來看待事件,並尋找真相。

這篇文章討論了有關最近 #MeToo 運動爆發的原因以及未來六個月可能發生的事件。據風水數字學專家邱彥龍所言,這起事件的爆發主要是因為命運星球土星的活化所導致的。此外,催幻行星海王星的力量也可能會爆發。 從數字學的角度來看,這篇文章非常有趣,並提供了其他角度的思考。然而,這些相信數字學的預測必須謹慎,因為未來是不可預知的。我們應該謹慎並尋求多方面的意見,而不是完全跟隨某個預測。 此外,這篇文章仍有不足之處。它可能太過著重於數字學的角度,而忽略了社會、文化以及其他因素的影響。我們應該注意到這些因素對於事件的發生有著重要的影響。因此,我們需要綜合各種資訊和角度,了解、分析事件,才能更好地理解真相。 總的來說,這篇文章提供了有趣的觀點,但我們必須謹慎,不要相信任何一個預測。我們需要從多個角度來看待事件,並尋找真相。


Q1: 以下何者是主角Saturn的特點?A. 愛與和平的代表星B. 浪漫的代表星C. 冥王星的代表星D. 因果報應的代表星正確解答:D. 因果報應的代表星Q2: 以下何者是本文所提到將會爆發的行星?A. 火星B. 水星C. 冥王星D. 海王星正確解答:D. 海王星Q3: 根據Master Chiu Yanlong所說,未來六個月中將持續發生哪些事情?A. 女權運動廣為討論B. 明星圈子風波不斷C. 環保運動持續發酵D. 經濟景氣大幅上揚正確解答:B. 明星圈子風波不斷

Q1: 以下何者是主角Saturn的特點?A. 愛與和平的代表星B. 浪漫的代表星C. 冥王星的代表星D. 因果報應的代表星正確解答:D. 因果報應的代表星Q2: 以下何者是本文所提到將會爆發的行星?A. 火星B. 水星C. 冥王星D. 海王星正確解答:D. 海王星Q3: 根據Master Chiu Yanlong所說,未來六個月中將持續發生哪些事情?A. 女權運動廣為討論B. 明星圈子風波不斷C. 環保運動持續發酵D. 經濟景氣大幅上揚正確解答:B. 明星圈子風波不斷

Master Yenlung Chiu pointed out that in the next 6 months, not only will the women's rights movement surge, but fraud and immorality will also come back. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu pointed out that in the next 6 months, not only will the women's rights movement surge, but fraud and immorality will also come back. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Saturn, the planet of karma, launched! the #MeToo explosion non-stop! Numerologist: The storm that shocks the celebrity circle will last for half a year

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Recently, the #MeToo incident has exploded, and the old stories of many celebrities have been dug out. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in Feng Shui and numerology, pointed out that this is mainly caused by the activation of the karmic planet Saturn. In addition, the power of the psychedelic planet Neptune is also about to explode. In the next six months, not only will the women's rights movement surge, but fraud and immorality will also come back. A series of side effects caused by alcohol and drugs may once again shock the celebrity circle.

Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that the Saturn retrograde will last from June 13th to November 8th  and during the five-month period, many old stories and problems will be revealed. Immoral activies that have been done in the past have a chance to be dug out. In addition, older health issues will also appear.

Master Chiu Yenlung further reminded that the psychedelic star Neptune will also be launched later, and Neptune will start on the June 27th and only end on the December 10th. During the six-month period, fraud, immorality, counterfeiting, and psychedelic drugs will be launched once again. On the other hand, the feminist movement and social transformation activities are about to start.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that in the next six months, under the dual influences of Saturn and Neptune retrograde, alcohol and drugs should be used with caution, as they are easy to hurt yourself and others. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and one-night stands will also explode in succession, especially in the political , showbiz, and celebrity circles, which will be the most shocked, so be careful of the powerful disturbances caused by this.

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted "Yilin · Tunzhi Ben" and said: "There are many thorns on the road, and every step stabs my feet." It is not good for passengers and poisons the heart. 』It shows that during this period of time, every step of the way is difficult for people, and villains are born. You need to be prepared and act cautiously. It is not advisable to take risks at will, so as not to be caught by others.

As for the god of luck during the summer solstice, Cancer, it will fall on Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo. These 6 constellations will have great gains in career, wealth, fame, and work. Make good use of them and be successful.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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