《數位亞洲大會》登場 數位精英探索「社群媒體的下一步」


由亞洲廣告聯盟(AFAA)主辦、台北市廣告代理商業同業公會(TAAA)承辦,並由滾石文化策展的第2屆《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》,於昨(28)日在台北寒舍艾美酒店揭開序幕,主題訂定「Social Next社群媒體的下一步」,延伸探討「社群媒體 x創意」、「社群媒體 x 科技」、「社群媒體 x 紀律」主題,邀請創意、數位內容等領域精英,分享如何透過社群媒體展現創意溝通能量。

《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》 業配

今(2016)年邁入第2屆的《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》,上午9時30分舉行開幕啟動典禮,由Yahoo TV《科技敲敲門》主持人路怡珍(Catherine Lu)主持、台北市廣告代理商業同業公會(TAAA)理事長鄧博文致辭,提到此次大會主題「Social Next 社群媒體的下一步」,揭開此場國際性數位會議的序幕。而亞洲廣告聯盟(AFAA)主席蘇雄(Raymond So)感謝主辦單位及政府單位的支持,並表示在新的消費者行為下,商業模式的發展也完全改變。他期待與會貴賓充分利用這個機會,與在場數位專家及人才交流,掌握社群媒體的下一步。現場擁有超過400位貴賓及與會者參與這場盛大數位知識饗宴。

議程首日主題聚焦「社群媒體 x 創意」,邀請7位數位精英以「創新」為分享核心。泰國數位廣告協會(DAAT)總裁Supachai Kid Parchariyanon以泰國真實案例分享如何促進公司的創新改革。Supachai Kid Parchariyanon直指創新點子核心是為顧客創造價值,並強調了5個重新設計廣告代理機構的步驟:Empathize(同理心)、Define(定義)、Ideate(形成概念)、Prototype(原型)以及Test(試驗)。Supachai Kid Parchariyanon帶領團隊創立RISE機構,並與大學教授和學生合作,讓更多缺乏資源的新創公司與其他公司互相合作交流,並提醒傳統代理商想找到創新模式,才能創造長久存活價值。

奇宏策略媒體(PHD)亞太區戰略規劃主管Chris Stephenson分享人工智慧的起源、演變歷史,甚至預測一連串人工智慧未來發展,在2013年,牛津大學的研究預估有47%的工作將在未來以人工智慧取代。Google人工智慧部門DeepMind打造的AlphaGo圍棋系統,在2016年因為擊敗南韓世界圍棋高手李世石而聲名大噪。Chris Stephenson甚至預測在2029年,AI人工智慧機器人將會成立公司,和人類一樣擁有同等智慧。Chris Stephenson建議,即使未來仍會有許多驟變,最重要的是接受事實並保有「人性」,因為電腦無法取代「人性」。



下午「社群媒體 x 創意」主題演講由奇宏策略媒體台灣總經理楊悅琴(Cathy Yang)擔任主持人。暴雪娛樂台灣/香港/澳門董事總經理孟慶良(Eddy Meng)探討社群媒體在電玩遊戲整合行銷角色,從個案研究中探討如何將社群媒體與市場宣傳整合。日本D2C集團藍圖公司行銷長杉本誠司(Seiji Sugimoto)分享日本的VR產業現狀,他提到日本VR產業起步較晚,但日本擁有豐富企劃力、技術應用力,以及大量良好IP,鼓勵未來提供更多豐富想像,對世界和社會創新有所貢獻!

亞洲航空商務部主任李德龍(Spencer Lee)分享如合有效地使用社群媒體和內容發展的重要性。他提到找到公司內部超級英雄、與公司文化連結,並和目標市場建立連結、具多元創造力!李德龍描述,企業文化是一切資本,從公司內部深掘更多故事,並鼓勵對於公司文化深入了解的員工們一起發揮創意,藉由社群平台,以好策略發揮好作用!

百事印度媒體及消費者互動副總監Maneesha Khanna指出現在的廣告模式已回不到過去,消費者是共同創造者,必須時時聆聽消費者的需求,選擇對的時機投放適合媒體。並鼓勵消費者發揮創意、上傳自製的廣告影片,將品牌名聲「交給」消費者,也獲得更多消費者新洞察與數據分析。Maneesha Khanna也提到,品牌與消費者之間的互動必須是雙向的,要讓消費者成為品牌故事的主角。

臺北之夜大會晚宴,在晚宴歡迎酒會後舉行,由臺北市政府文化局主辦、Yahoo TV《科技敲敲門》主持人路怡珍主持、台北市廣告代理商業同業公會(TAAA)理事長鄧博文、亞洲廣告聯盟(AFAA)主席蘇雄及臺北市政府文化局局長鍾永豐蒞臨晚宴並致詞歡迎遠道而來的貴賓。臺北市獲選為2016年世界設計之都,從設計之都到《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》,臺北市將從《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》出發,讓臺北市朝世界設計之都、亞洲數位之都大步邁進。

《數位亞洲大會(DigiAsia)》 業配

The First Day of 2016 DigiAsia

     DigiAsia is an outstanding event related to advertising and marketing in the digital environment organized by the Asian Federation of Advertising Associations (AFAA), hosted by Taipei Association of Advertising Agencies (TAAA) and curated by Rock Publications Co., Ltd every other years starting 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan. The highly anticipating event kicked off at Le Meridien Taipei Hotel. With “Social x Creative “ as the daily theme, DigiAsia invited digital elites from various fields, including producers, brand managers, music professionals, etc. to share how to deliver creative ideas through social media platform.

     During the opening ceremony anchored by Catherine Lu, the news anchor of Yahoo TV, Evan Teng, chairman of TAAA, and Raymond So, chairman of AFAA, welcomed all the delegates visit 2106 DigiAsia. Evan pointed out the theme of 2016 DigiAsia : “Social Next” - the next step for Social Media. Raymond mentioned that new perspective of consumer behaviors and business models had developed, he encouraged that delegates would exchange knowledge here, get most out of this forum and master “Social Next” ! 

     Supachai Parchariyanon, president of Digital Advertising Association of Thailand (DAAT), gave a speech about how to boost innovation within an agency by showing real case studies. He emphasized the importance of creating values for customers, he mentioned five steps of design thinking proposed by IDEO: to empathize, to redefine, to ideate, to prototype and to test. He gave the example about the organization RISE, which helped startups to get more resources and opportunities. It also launched project “Krungsri RISE” which aimed to encourage startups to university students by serving as a bridge connecting startups with customers, funds, analysts, and experts in various field. 

     Chris Stephenson, the head of Strategy and Planning of APAC, PHD, shared implications of Artificial Intelligence in the future. He predicted that AI would become one of the-most-talked issues from now on. He mentioned that there might be 47% jobs replaced by AI robots; and even in 2029, AI might have the ability to establish a company and human instead to be their employees. He suggested keeping humanity since it was the only thing that cannot be replaced. 

     Joy Tsu-I Hsu, the president of Chunghwa Yellow Pages, gave his speech about how to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan to communicate with customers through social media.

     Sessions in this afternoon began with Eddy Meng, the managing director and director of publishing of Taiwan/H.K./Macau, Blizzard Entertainment, shared their wonderful game products as cases with all the participants. Blizzard Entertainment used User-Generated Content (UGC) to connect with more players. Eddy also highlighted 4 points to explain why social network worked: the tight integration, the authenticity, the great game (content) and social as the multiplier.

     The CMO of BLUE PRINT Inc. of D2C Group, Seiji Sugimoto, talked about virtual reality. As an emerging market, it’s “year 0” for VR in Japan in 2016. Contents could even become the new kind of media through the application of VR and blend into everyone’s daily life. In fact, most of the customers do not understand the new technology of VR because Japan delayed to enter this market. However, Sugimoto-san believed that in the near future Japan would have great effect on the global VR market by creatively and uniquely implementing content, services, characters and IPs.

     Spencer Lee, the commercial head of AirAsia talked about their high-energy corporate culture to connect with creativity. Spencer said that the corporate culture is the most important asset in the company. He encouraged all the staffs to understand the culture and bring into creativity, also to use good strategy to make things efficient.

     Maneesha Khanna, the associate director of Media and Consumer Engagement, PepsiCo India, shared the successful case of the Pepsi crowdsourcing ad. According to Maneesha Khanna, communication today had shifted from brand to consumers. By promoting the customers to be creative and to make them upload their self-made video, they also got lots of new consumer insights and data analysis. Maneesha believed that consumers are creating, curating, connecting and collaberating with content. Pepsi now also dedicated to invest in ecosystem relationships, e.g. twitter, youtube and amazon to maximize the benefit.

     It was Taipei Night at 2016 DigiAsia. We had Gala Dinner sponsored by Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government. Tonight, we had invited experts of cultural creative industry. The commissioner of Department of Cultural Affairs, Yung-Feng Chung, appreciated every guest to join DigiAsia and expressed that the Department of Cultural Affairs would always support events which made Taipei City to connect with the world. Chairman of TAAA Evan Teng and Chairman of AFAA Raymond So thanked for the support from Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government. It was also the first time that World Design Capital held by Taipei, Taiwan. They encouraged every participant to make friends with each other and presented the beauty of city.

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