【The China Post 每日精選】:一

Humans in Taiwan's Hsinchu County are stepping into a turf war between two frog species, taking up arms against alien frogs in an effort save a native variety.


Authorities are deploying specialists to trap and remove the spot-legged tree frog (Polypedates megacephalus), an invasive species from central, southern and southwestern China that has made inroads into Northern Taiwan.

Local agricultural officials say that residents have reported seeing the spot-legged tree frog in Zhudong, Xinfeng, Xinpu, Guanxi and Hukou. Due to Xinfeng and Hukou's proximity to Shihmen Reservoir, authorities are racing to prevent the frog species from multiplying and threatening the local Bushi tree frog (Polypedates braueri), which is native to Taiwan.

The two frogs are hard to tell apart based on outer appearance, but during mating season (which peaks during April and May), they can be distinguished by their mating calls.

The calls of the Bushi frog make a "da da da" sound, while the spot-legged frog make a weaker "ga ga ga" tone.

Authorities are urging residents to contact local agricultural officials if they happen to spot the invasive species.

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