【The China Post 每日精選】:一

With a fixed goal and date in mind, you can work backwards to figure out how much to save each month to be able to afford the item for which you are saving, she continued. 

Investment Basics

While no one can tell you which stock is sure to make money, there are a few investment basics that Hong wants us all to be aware of.

First, it is that all investments involve an element of risk. The definition of an investment is that you cannot get all of your money back at any given time, Hong noted.

Therefore, when choosing to invest, you must "look at the risk level and gauge whether you have the appetite for the risk," she said.

To understand how great a risk an investment poses, you have to ask whether the money you want to invest is important to you for covering other expenses in the immediate future.

If it is, you should hold off on the investment.

There are diversified portfolios and mutual funds that carry low risk, but at the end of the day, smart investing is about knowing your expenditure needs, the investment market and corresponding regulations, and taking calculated risks that you can live with should the investment fall through.

For more information from the Financial Literacy & Education Association, check out their Youtube videos: https://youtu.be/rD-MfF7EP-g?list=PLHwSVHFacs3ZBlpGzUeBnoiqIUJCWA41W

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