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文/沈志霖  譯/楊婉柔











To Dr. Tedros, Director-General of WHO:

In the April 8, 2020 press conference at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, you claimed to have received death threats and racist insults while fighting the coronavirus pandemic in the past three months, and emphasized that "this attack came from Taiwan". You stated further, that "I will be straight today. From Taiwan... And Taiwan, the Foreign Ministry also, they know the campaign. They didn't disassociate themselves. They even started criticizing me in the middle of all that insult and slur." You went as far to stress in anger, "that's enough!"

The allegations you made against Taiwan during the press conference was completely untrue and baseless. Taiwanese people have been criticizing your leadership over the WHO, in which it broadcasts its aim to fight against global pandemics. Yet the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus has so far infected over 1.4 million people worldwide, with more than 13,000 death in the United States alone. Didn't the neglect by the WHO, delayed reporting and whitewashing China's coverup of the epidemic have anything to do with the continuous widespread of the pandemic we're facing today? Isn't epidemic prevention the responsibility that the World Health Organization should shoulder?

The truth is, as a nation long been ignored by the WHO, and ruthlessly repressed by China, Taiwan has not only ever tolerated any type of discrimination, it is a country that embraces all ethnic groups. Taiwan is proud of all of its new residents immigrated from all across the globe. In 2014, Taiwan named Quincy Davis, an immigrant originally an African American, the captain of the National Basketball team. Taiwan has been known for its friendliness and enthusiasm with open arms to travelers from abroad. Unfortunately you have your ears glued to China and never gotten to know, or willing to learn about Taiwan, that resulted in your ignorance towards Taiwan.

As stated by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a mature and advanced democratic country, Taiwan would never incite its citizens to instigate personal attacks against the Director-General of the WHO, it certainly would not possibly make any such representations involving racial discrimination.

You have made baseless accusations against the government and the people of Taiwan for raising personal attack campaign, such false accusations are misleading to the international community. For that, we express profound regret and raise the strongest protest over these groundless accusations.

You and the WHO, under your leadership, have failed miserably over the handling of the coronavirus pandemic that led to the overwhelming tragedy across the globe. Yet you failed to examine your own actions and failure to act. You claimed to have "no time to waste" and urge to "focus on saving lives." Yet you wasted precious resources of the WHO to carry out a smear campaign against Taiwan to shift the focus from your failure in handling the coronavirus pandemic onto a fabricated mater of racism, with full intention to overshadow Taiwan's achievement in this fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Under your leadership, the WHO has long lost its capability and reduced to a mere puppet of the CCP, and became better known as the Chinese Health Organization. For that, we demand your apology and resignation.

Dr. Tedros, enough is enough!

Yours truly,
Citizens of Taiwan.




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