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劇烈天氣出沒!這天起「不限午後」雷陣雨報到 影響時間曝





Q1): 按照氣象局粉專「報天氣」的說法,這個週末(10、11日)及下週的天氣狀況為? A. 仍以午後雷陣雨為主 B. 有長浪影響 C. 會出現不限午後的局部短暫陣雨、雷雨 Correct answer: C Explanation: According to the report from the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, the weather conditions for this weekend (10th and 11th) and next week will have scattered brief rain or thunderstorm at any time, expanding to central and northern Taiwan, northeastern Taiwan, and southern Taiwan, replacing the afternoon thunderstorms that were dominant on Friday (9th). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 2 (Q2): 目前颱風「谷超」的路線如何? A. 正在逼近台灣 B. 往北、東北移動遠離台灣 C. 往西南移動進入南海 Correct answer: B Explanation: According to the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, the current route of Typhoon "Guchol" will move towards the north, northeast in the direction of the Ryukyu Islands, so it will not have a direct impact on Taiwan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3 (Q3): 週五至週日東半部、恆春半島及基隆北海岸有什麼可能發生的自然現象? A. 長雨 B. 短暫陣雨 C. 長浪 Correct answer: C Explanation: According to the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, from Friday to Sunday, there will be long waves affecting the eastern half of the island, Hengchun Peninsula, and Keelung North Coast. The waves will gradually increase, and the waves on Friday evening to Saturday will be up to 2 or 3 meters high, so people are reminded to be cautious.

Q1): 按照氣象局粉專「報天氣」的說法,這個週末(10、11日)及下週的天氣狀況為? A. 仍以午後雷陣雨為主 B. 有長浪影響 C. 會出現不限午後的局部短暫陣雨、雷雨 Correct answer: C Explanation: According to the report from the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, the weather conditions for this weekend (10th and 11th) and next week will have scattered brief rain or thunderstorm at any time, expanding to central and northern Taiwan, northeastern Taiwan, and southern Taiwan, replacing the afternoon thunderstorms that were dominant on Friday (9th). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 2 (Q2): 目前颱風「谷超」的路線如何? A. 正在逼近台灣 B. 往北、東北移動遠離台灣 C. 往西南移動進入南海 Correct answer: B Explanation: According to the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, the current route of Typhoon "Guchol" will move towards the north, northeast in the direction of the Ryukyu Islands, so it will not have a direct impact on Taiwan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3 (Q3): 週五至週日東半部、恆春半島及基隆北海岸有什麼可能發生的自然現象? A. 長雨 B. 短暫陣雨 C. 長浪 Correct answer: C Explanation: According to the "Weather Report" Facebook page by the Meteorological Bureau, from Friday to Sunday, there will be long waves affecting the eastern half of the island, Hengchun Peninsula, and Keelung North Coast. The waves will gradually increase, and the waves on Friday evening to Saturday will be up to 2 or 3 meters high, so people are reminded to be cautious.










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