4 zodiac signs get fame and fortune during the "Rain" solar term

Mater Yenlung Chiu said that in this solar term (2/19 ~ 3/5), the four zodiac signs have the strongest fortune (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that in this solar term (2/19 ~ 3/5), the four zodiac signs have the strongest fortune (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

"Rain" arrives on Monday! Numerologist: 4 zodiac signs, powerful fans, fame and fortune  

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Today (2/19) is the second solar term of the year, "Rain". The temperature difference between day and night is quite large. Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in celestial numerology and Feng Shui, said that water represents wealth. In the next 16 days, the fortunes of the four zodiac animals will be special. Prosperity: Those born under the sign of Goat will have many opportunities to come to your door, those born under the sign of Dragon can gain both fame and fortune, those born under the sign of Snake will have good luck with a smile, and those born under the zodiac of Rabbit will have intangible blessings of wealth. It’s just that the general environment is flickering, no matter when investments or opportunities come, you still need to make rational judgments.  

Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that in this solar term (2/19 ~ 3/5), the four zodiac signs have the strongest fortune, namely:  

Top 4 : Rabbit  

Friends who were born in the Year of the Rabbit, your wealth will be blessed by an invisible magnetic field during this period. When making choices, you can consider that the environment abroad, in other places, on the Internet, in religion, and in higher education is more beneficial to you. You can also spend some time in these directions to gain benefits. Nice resource or knowledge gain.  


Top 3: Snake  

Friends who were born in the year of Snake will receive help from friends, close friends or social groups during this period. They will be able to show themselves generously in the circle and receive everyone’s applause and support. Remember to smile more often and your career will go more smoothly. But remember not to mix in emotional factors, so as not to affect your work and career!  


Top 2: Dragon  

Friends who belong to the Dragon zodiac, if you make good use of your communication and marketing skills during this period, you can gain many fans and a lot of fame. You can also get help from noble people in your career, and your official career will rise step by step like a god's help. But be careful, you may travel far away, when coming across with young male or friends from internet during this period, it might affect your good luck.  


Top 1: Goat  

For friends born in the Year of the Goat, your popularity and fame will soar during this period, which is conducive to strengthening promotion and communication. Your luck at work, officialdom, and career will be very strong. Your sixth sense will be very keen. There will be many cooperation and job opportunities coming to you. Be serious. Making money will bring you great rewards. But be careful not to expose the hidden peach blossoms, which will destroy your good luck and wealth! 

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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