全文曝光/威爾史密斯正式道歉克里斯 認暴力行為無法饒恕

娛樂中心/林呈育報導 【 03/29 08:17 發稿 | 10:44 更新:新增影音 】



新科奧斯卡影帝威爾史密斯(Will Smith)為護妻上台揍了串場人克里斯洛克(Chris Rock)一巴掌,引發全球熱議,事後他在領獎時公開道歉,如今他透過社群平台正式發文,強調「各種形式的暴力都是有毒和破壞性的」,並稱自己的行為「無法被接受」也「不能被饒恕」。

威爾史密斯表示,他知道被開玩笑是工作的一部分,雖然沒有辦法接受自己的妻子潔達蘋姬史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith)被以健康問題開玩笑,但他也公開地向克里斯洛克致歉,「我確實越線了,我做錯了,我很羞愧,而且我的行為,不是我想成為一個男人的樣子」,直呼「在充滿愛和善意的世界裡,沒有暴力的容身之地」。

威爾史密斯在文末也向奧斯卡主辦方「美國影藝學院」(The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences)、節目製作人、所有與會者、全世界的觀眾、對方家庭、自己家人們道歉,表示對這次錯誤的行為,深感歉意。目前美國影藝學院已發表聲明譴責威爾史密斯的行為,其中一名理事影星琥碧戈柏(Whoopi Goldberg)透露,雖然不會回收史密斯的獎座,但勢必要他承擔後果。



Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. My behavior at last night’s Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally. I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness.     I would also like to apologize to the Academy, the producers of the show, all the attendees and everyone watching around the world. I would like to apologize to the Williams Family and my King Richard Family. I deeply regret that my behavior has stained what has been an otherwise gorgeous journey for all of us.   I am a work in progress. Sincerely, Will

威爾史密斯 道歉 奧斯卡