全文/台灣連4年遭WHA排擠 吳釗燮一句話揭台灣人志氣




▲ 吳釗燮直言,臺灣人的志氣就是愈挫愈勇,永不放棄。(圖/資料照)


▲ 今日的疫情記者會上,陳時中嚴肅地與外交部長吳釗燮召開記者會。(圖/疾管署提供)





即使今年WHA視訊會議我們沒有獲得邀請函,但在努力的過程中,相信國人都感受到來自國際社會的強勁支持。到目前為止,已經有29個國家行政部門以多元方式表達對我國參加WHO的支持。除全體友邦向WHO提案外,也有越來越多理念相近國家高層公開發言表達支持,其中日本首相安倍晉三、加拿大總理小杜魯道(Justin Trudeau)、美國務卿龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)及紐西蘭副總理兼外長Winston Peters都是首度公開表態,意義重大。



為了展現「臺灣能夠幫忙,而且正在幫忙」(Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping.),我們與國內醫療機構合作,透過視訊方式,與國際社會分享成功防疫的「臺灣模式」,也協助友邦和非友邦建立他們對抗武漢肺炎的防線。









▲ 吳釗燮對WHO表達高度遺憾及強烈不滿。


Minister Chen; Friends from the media: good afternoon!

This year’s virtual World Health Assembly will begin today, May 18, at 6 p.m. (Taiwan time). Despite all our efforts and an unprecedented level of international support, Taiwan has not received an invitation to take part. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses deep regret and strong dissatisfaction that the World Health Organization Secretariat has yielded to pressure from the Chinese government and continues to disregard the right to health of the 23 million people of Taiwan. 

We know that you are all keenly interested in how the WHA will handle the proposal submitted by Taiwan’s diplomatic allies. Due to COVID-19, the agenda for this year’s WHA has been significantly shortened. Understandably, countries want to use the limited time available to concentrate on ways of containing the pandemic. For this reason, like-minded nations and diplomatic allies have suggested that the proposal be taken up later this year when meetings will be conducted normally, to make sure there will be full and open discussion. After careful deliberation, we have accepted the suggestion from our allies and like-minded nations to wait until the resumed session before further promoting our bid.

Even though Taiwan has not been invited to take part in this year’s WHA, our fellow citizens have witnessed the very strong support for Taiwan in the international community. So far, governments from 29 countries have expressed support for Taiwan’s WHO participation. All of our diplomatic allies submitted the related proposal to WHO. And a growing number of world leaders have spoken out publicly for Taiwan. They include Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Winston Peters. This is of enormous significance. 

Moreover, prominent political figures from 43 countries, including more than 600 legislators from North American, European, and Central and South American countries, as well as the European Parliament, have expressed support for Taiwan’s WHO campaign.

International public opinion has seen an outpouring of support for Taiwan’s WHO participation. In addition to media reports, commentaries, and letters to the editor, many renowned news organizations from around the world have published editorials firmly backing our country. This support is unprecedented and overwhelming. 

Our actions speak for themselves—Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping. Our hospitals have shared the successful Taiwan Model with other countries through videoconferences. We have also helped diplomatic allies and friendly nations establish robust defenses against the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the same time, we’re working closely with the United States and many European countries to develop rapid testing kits, vaccines, and medicines for COVID-19.

Once we made sure that domestic demand was fully met, we also took the initiative to provide epidemic prevention and containment supplies to countries in need. As of today, Taiwan has donated 27.5 million face masks, 131 infrared thermal imaging cameras, 35,000 forehead thermometers, and 250 automatic body temperature detection systems. 

We are now preparing a fourth wave of international humanitarian assistance. We will donate another 23.5 million surgical masks, 1.16 million N95 masks, 170,000 protective gowns, 600,000 isolation gowns, 70 respirators, 34 PCR test devices, and 500,000 quinine tablets. 

Taiwan’s big-hearted assistance during the pandemic has benefited more than 80 countries, and the world has taken note.

The 23 million people of Taiwan want greater international participation, and the government will take full advantage of the growing momentum in world support to get it.

The people of Taiwan abhor the two-faced behavior of the Chinese government, which claims to care for their health and welfare while actually seeking to deprive them of their right to health at every turn. Our citizens will never relinquish their collective aspiration to participate in international organizations and contribute to the world. 

The WHO Secretariat should listen carefully to reasonable appeals from the international community. It should be professional and neutral, resist interference by the Chinese government, and allow Taiwan to take part in all WHO meetings, mechanisms, and activities. UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1 do not address the issue of Taiwan, and they don’t authorize the People’s Republic of China to represent Taiwan, either. Taiwan is a democratic country, and only its democratically elected government has the right to represent the Taiwanese people in international organizations. 

Although we have not been invited to this year’s WHA, let me say once again that adversity only serves to strengthen the determination of the Taiwanese people. We will never give up our quest for international participation. In fact, as the voices around the world supporting Taiwan continue to grow louder, we are getting ever closer to achieving our goal.

Thank you!

吳釗燮 外交部 世界衛生組織 WHO WHA