

美國衛生部長艾薩(Alex Azar)9日搭乘專機抵台訪問,創下1979年台美斷交以來,美國訪台最高層級內閣官員,寫下歷史新頁。對此,美國總統川普美國時間11日接受廣播電台訪問時,主持人提起艾薩訪台一事及詢問川普是否有機會在年底前來台灣,創造歷史性的訪問,川普則是先回應表示,「他自己目前沒有計畫訪問台灣」,也透露艾薩來台目的是為COVID-19,他也稱讚台灣防疫工作,直呼「做得很好」。


▲ 美國總統川普。(圖/翻攝自川普IG)

川普美國時間11日接受電台訪問,先是談論關於即將到來的總統大選、美國疫情發展等事,隨後主持人修伊特(Hugh Hewitt)提到近日美國衛生部長艾薩出訪台灣,好奇詢問川普,其出訪背後是否有其他涵義,及川普自己會不會也有機會到訪台灣?對此,川普說:「No, I’m not. No, it wasn’t, you know, anything like that. It wasn’t, it was just something we were talking about COVID. They’ve done well.」表示自己目前沒有訪台計畫。


川普也讚許台灣防疫有成「They have done well(他們做得很好)」,接著強調艾薩出訪僅是為了討論武漢肺炎(新冠肺炎、COVID-19)相關事宜,並無特別用意,也直言他自己目前還沒有出訪台灣的相關計畫。



HH: All right, let me switch over to foreign affairs. Secretary Azar’s visit to Taiwan was significant. Was this a trial run for something bigger? Have you considered or are you considering a historic visit to Taiwan yourself before the end of this year?

DJT: No, I’m not. No, it wasn’t, you know, anything like that. It wasn’t, it was just something we were talking about COVID. They’ve done well. We’ve done well also. We get no credit for it. You know, we do so much testing, so we end up with, when you do testing, you have cases. You know, we tested more than, I guess, about 65 million tests. India’s at 11, Germany’s at 3, and we’re at 65. When you test, you have cases. But we’ve done very well, and that was really a visit on COVID, or as I call it, the China plague or the China virus, which is what it is.

▲ 蔡英文總統10日在總統府接見艾薩(Alex Azar)。(圖/總統府提供)



川普 阿札爾 艾薩 美國 台灣 衛生部長 總統 新冠肺炎 COVID-19