5 zodiac signs with the strongest luck during 6/21-7/7


這篇文章介紹了夏至到來後該不該多吃羊肉這個話題。文章的開頭講到了夏至進入了一個典型的炎熱氣候, 但是專家還是提醒人們在夏至這個時間裡, 多吃羊肉可以平衡身體陰陽能量。這個說法似乎是有一定道理的。陽氣旺盛, 的確需要陰氣來平衡, 而羊肉確實是一種性質偏陰的肉類。不過, 這只是一個飲食上的建議, 而並不是什麼大宗教。所以, 如果不吃也沒有關係。同時, 文章也介紹了一個國際關於風水數學的名人Chiu Yanlong, 提升了文章的可信度。

這篇文章介紹了夏至到來後該不該多吃羊肉這個話題。文章的開頭講到了夏至進入了一個典型的炎熱氣候, 但是專家還是提醒人們在夏至這個時間裡, 多吃羊肉可以平衡身體陰陽能量。這個說法似乎是有一定道理的。陽氣旺盛, 的確需要陰氣來平衡, 而羊肉確實是一種性質偏陰的肉類。不過, 這只是一個飲食上的建議, 而並不是什麼大宗教。所以, 如果不吃也沒有關係。同時, 文章也介紹了一個國際關於風水數學的名人Chiu Yanlong, 提升了文章的可信度。


Q1: What is the summer solstice? A. The time when the weather gets colder. B. The time when the daylight is the longest. C. The time when flowers bloom the most. Answer: B Q2: Why is it suitable to eat more mutton during the summer solstice? A. Because it makes us feel cooler. B. Because it nourishes our Yin energy. C. Because it is a tradition from the ancient times. Answer: B Q3: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, which zodiac signs are super lucky during the summer solstice? A. The Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon and the Snake. B. The Rat, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey and the Rooster. C. The Ox, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster and the Dog. Answer: A

Q1: What is the summer solstice? A. The time when the weather gets colder. B. The time when the daylight is the longest. C. The time when flowers bloom the most. Answer: B Q2: Why is it suitable to eat more mutton during the summer solstice? A. Because it makes us feel cooler. B. Because it nourishes our Yin energy. C. Because it is a tradition from the ancient times. Answer: B Q3: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, which zodiac signs are super lucky during the summer solstice? A. The Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon and the Snake. B. The Rat, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey and the Rooster. C. The Ox, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster and the Dog. Answer: A

The five zodiac signs with the strongest luck from summer to this solar term (6/21-7/7) . (Photo saurce: unsplash)

▲The five zodiac signs with the strongest luck from summer to this solar term (6/21-7/7) . (Photo saurce: unsplash)

Welcome to the summer solstice on Wednesday! Is it suitable to eat more mutton?! Numerologist: The 5 zodiac signs are famous and super lucky

By Master Chiu Yanlong

 This Wednesday (6/21) is officially enter the summer solstice, and will enter a typical hot weather pattern. However, Master Chiu Yenlung, an international Feng Shui numerology expert, reminds that during the summer solstice, it is hot and most people would think not to eat mutton, but in fact it is just the opposite, because “The ancients” have said that the summer solstice is also the extreme of “Yang” and the beginning of “Yin”, so it is hot on the outside and “yin” on the inside. If you can eat more mutton during the summer solstice, your hands and feet will not be cold in winter. Therefore, Master Chiu Yenlung suggested that the summer solstice is a good time to replenish energy and maintain health .

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung also reminded that during the summer solstice, special attention should be paid to cardiovascular and drug problems, as well as ear, nose and throat, fever, inflammation, nervous system, gastrointestinal and breast diseases, tumors in mild cases, and cancer in severe cases. If abnormal bleeding is found , men should pay attention to anorectal problems, and women should pay attention to gynecology for early detection and treatment. And during the summer solstice, traffic and work accidents are frequent, and safety comes first.

As for the five zodiac signs with the strongest luck from summer to this solar term (6/21-7/7), they are:

Top5: Rooster

Friends who belong to the rooster, during this period, both in career and work, you can get the appreciation and help from your superiors, have the potential to get promoted and make a fortune, and you can also have a brilliant performance on the stage and be appreciated, and everything can develop accordingly. If you know how to market yourself, you will be able to show your self-confidence and get a lot of fans. However, although the popularity is good, remember to be careful of sexual disputes.

Top4: Cow

Friends who belong to the ox, during this period, both positive and partial wealth will be prosperous. If you can communicate more, understand marketing and negotiation, you will have very strong wealth luck, and things and skills that have been planned for a long time can also be used during this period and harvest. If there is something happened at home that needs your help, remember not to rush and deal with it smoothly. Pay attention to driving and going out safely.

Top3: Dragon

Friends who belong to the dragon, do take easy and relax during this period, don't put too much pressure on yourself, past achievements will be recognized and praised, others or your spouse will also want to invest in you, and have the opportunity to have children. Keep working hard and great fortune will be with you. Please remember to keep a happy mood, don't think too much. Do pay attention to the driving safety of yourself and your partner. It is strongly recommended to drive slowly to ensure safety.

Top2: Rabbit

Friends who belong to the rabbit, if you can concentrate on work, career, and study during the summer solstice, you will have good wealth or an increase in knowledge and experience, and you will get support from your family. And the sixth sense will be particularly strong during this period. Friend who develops in the Internet and overseas business, wealth and number of fans will increase dramatically. Do take advantage

Top1: Rat

Friends who belong to the rat, your reputation will be greatly improved during this period. With the help of your family and the general environment, you can promote yourself and get very good results. As long as you can combine your interests with your career, you will gain both luck and wealth.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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