巨石強森開嗆!譙馮迪索公主病 《玩命8》拍攝進度恐停擺


《玩命關頭》系列電影已推出7集,血脈賁張的劇情讓也讓票房屢創佳績,不過就在第8集殺青前夕,巨石強森卻突然在IG上爆走,飆罵劇中「某位男演員」難搞、「公主病」,雖然沒有指名道姓,不過有國外媒體爆料,這名讓巨石強森不爽的人,竟是主角之一的馮迪索(Vin Diesel)!


▲巨石強森(左)在IG上嗆馮迪索(右)公主病。(圖/翻攝自therockvindiese Instagram)





This is my final week of shooting #FastAndFurious8. There's no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. UNIVERSAL has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love 'em. My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don't. The ones that don't are too chicken shit to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling - you're right. Bottom line is it'll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that's embedded in my DNA extremely well. The producer in me is happy about this part😉. Final week on FAST 8 and I'll finish strong. #IcemanCometh #F8 #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses

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