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國際醫療人道救援組織無國界醫生(Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières,簡稱MSF)表示,奈及利亞軍隊在1月17日空襲奈及利亞萊恩(Rann)的國內流離失所者營地,造成至少120人受傷、52人死亡。


無國界醫生行動總監卡布羅爾醫生(Dr Jean-Clément Cabrol)說:「他們已是逃離極端暴力地區的脆弱人群,對這群人發動大規模襲擊令人震驚且無法接受。平民的安全必須受到尊重。我們緊急呼籲各方,確保需要急救的倖存者能經由陸路或空運獲得醫療撤離。」 





Press Release: 18, Jan 2017

Nigeria: MSF strongly condemns the aerial bombing of a displaced camp in Rann

At least 120 people were wounded and 52 killed following today’s bombing by the Nigerian Army in an internally displaced persons camp in Rann, Nigeria, according to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

“This large-scale attack on vulnerable people who have already fled from extreme violence is shocking and unacceptable,” says Dr Jean-Clément Cabrol, MSF Director of Operations. “The safety of civilians must be respected. We are urgently calling on all parties to ensure the facilitation of medical evacuations by air or road for survivors who are in need of emergency care.”
MSF medical teams are currently providing first aid to 120 wounded patients in its facility in Rann. The organisation’s medical and surgical teams in the region are preparing to treat evacuated patients.
MSF first started working in Nigeria in 1971, and is one of the few organisations still able to operate in hard-to-reach areas of the country.

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