Numerologist: 7 zodiac signs have good luck during Bailu period

Mater Yenlung Chiu said that including dragon, rabbit, pig, etc. for the 7 zodiac signs, during the Bailu period, the fortune is full of enthusiasm. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that including dragon, rabbit, pig, etc. for the 7 zodiac signs, during the Bailu period, the fortune is full of enthusiasm. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Bailu comes to report on Friday! Numerologist: 7 zodiac signs. Good luck comes when the time comes! 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

As the typhoons came one after one, the weather gradually became more autumnal! Bailu, the third solar term of autumn, is coming this Friday (9/8). The cold air is turning from defense to attack. You need to pay attention to adding more clothes in the morning and evening. However, Master Chiu Yenlung, an international star numerology and feng shui expert, pointed out that including dragon, rabbit, pig, etc. for the 7 zodiac signs, during the Bailu period, the fortune is full of enthusiasm. Not only will the God of Wealth accompany you, but you will also have the opportunity to be promoted. Please take advantage of it. 

 Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that the 7 zodiac signs with the strongest fortune in this solar term (9/8-9/23) are: 

Top7: Tiger 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Tiger will have strong motivation during this period. If you go out more, you will have many opportunities to make money. You will even have more contact with people and things overseas and through the Internet, higher education, etc., especially with Goddesses and God-level figures to establish contacts, which can help improve luck, and also have invisible magnetic field blessings! 

Top6: Rooster 

Friends who belong to the rooster have a strong sixth sense during this period, and get care and help from their spouse or customers. As long as you say good things , wealth will come naturally, and you will have the opportunity to meet strangers who are Gentlemen. More gatherings will help to develop personal connections. 

Top5: Dog 

Friends who belong to the dog family are very popular during this period. You don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself, just work hard and carry on. Don’t worry too much about the higher family expenses. As long as you do more good deeds and help invisible sentient beings, you will be fine. Accumulate merit for yourself, and wealth will follow. 

Top4: Monkey 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Monkey will gain great popularity in the group during this period. In terms of money, they will have sudden fortunes and opportunities to get promoted and make a fortune. It will be a strong help to make their reputation bigger, but it is not recommended to have large investment and speculation which will lead to inexplicable expenses, so make good use of your own money! 

Top3: Pig 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Pig, during this period, wealth may come slowly, but there are still gains. Don’t think that you are busy in vain. As long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity and right to make a fortune. Take advantage of the Internet, overseas and high-quality product. Ccomplete the work step by step, the future will be very good. 

Top2: Rabbit 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Rabbit will plan themselves very well during this period. It is recommended to get together with close friends, clubs and other circles to get high attention and support. They will have strong partial wealth, investment wealth, and career wealth. If you accumulate good popularity at work, you can go anywhere. 

Top1: Dragon 

Friends who belong to the dragon, during this period, can display their intelligence and eloquence very well, and have the opportunity to earn a lot of wealth, both open and hidden, and the God of Wealth is with them, as long as they are not lazy. but a reminder is to be careful of others trying to scam you! 

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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