Bailu arrives on Friday! Be careful of fraudulent groups!


這篇文章報導了周五即將到來的「白露」節氣上, 六星逆行現象, 並提醒大眾要小心詐騙集團。同時,報導還指出水星逆行、旅遊市場繁榮局面的結束。來自世界知名風水命理專家邱彥隆大師的告誡。 這篇文章著重介紹了即將到來的「白露」節氣,並指出當六星在這個時節逆行時,不僅國際形勢會改變,個人也會面臨令人震驚的情況。報導中邱彥隆大師的提醒讓人們對這個特殊時期保持警覺。此外,報導還指出水星逆行的結束和旅遊繁榮的終結。這些信息給人們帶來了對即將到來的變化和挑戰的預期。 然而,需要注意的是,這篇文章的來源和作者的專業背景並沒有提供具體的資訊,這對於讀者來說可能有些遺憾。沒有獲得這些資訊可能會對文章的可信度產生一定的懷疑。 然而,作為一篇預測和警示的文章,它能夠引起讀者對即將到來的事情的關注和注意。在這個時期,人們應該保持警覺,小心以防被詐騙集團利用。此外,當水星逆行結束時,我們可以預料到旅遊市場的景氣可能會有所下降。 總之,這篇文章提醒了讀者需要留意的一些重要事項,並對即將到來的情況進行了解讀和預測。雖然缺乏作者的專業背景和文章來源,但其內容對於提醒人們保持警覺和預期即將到來的變化還是具有一定的價值。

這篇文章報導了周五即將到來的「白露」節氣上, 六星逆行現象, 並提醒大眾要小心詐騙集團。同時,報導還指出水星逆行、旅遊市場繁榮局面的結束。來自世界知名風水命理專家邱彥隆大師的告誡。 這篇文章著重介紹了即將到來的「白露」節氣,並指出當六星在這個時節逆行時,不僅國際形勢會改變,個人也會面臨令人震驚的情況。報導中邱彥隆大師的提醒讓人們對這個特殊時期保持警覺。此外,報導還指出水星逆行的結束和旅遊繁榮的終結。這些信息給人們帶來了對即將到來的變化和挑戰的預期。 然而,需要注意的是,這篇文章的來源和作者的專業背景並沒有提供具體的資訊,這對於讀者來說可能有些遺憾。沒有獲得這些資訊可能會對文章的可信度產生一定的懷疑。 然而,作為一篇預測和警示的文章,它能夠引起讀者對即將到來的事情的關注和注意。在這個時期,人們應該保持警覺,小心以防被詐騙集團利用。此外,當水星逆行結束時,我們可以預料到旅遊市場的景氣可能會有所下降。 總之,這篇文章提醒了讀者需要留意的一些重要事項,並對即將到來的情況進行了解讀和預測。雖然缺乏作者的專業背景和文章來源,但其內容對於提醒人們保持警覺和預期即將到來的變化還是具有一定的價值。


Q1: What is the significance of this Friday (9/8)? a) It is the beginning of the White Dew period. b) It is the end of the Mercury retrograde. c) It marks the arrival of Bailu. d) It is when the international situation will change. Correct answer: a) It is the beginning of the White Dew period. Q2: What will happen when six stars are retrograde during the White Dew period? a) The international situation will change. b) Personally shocking situations will occur. c) Mercury retrograde will end. d) Tourism boom will end. Correct answer: b) Personally shocking situations will occur. Q3: When does Mercury retrograde end? a) September 5th b) September 8th c) Bailu arrives on Friday d) The end of the White Dew period Correct answer: a) September 5th

Q1: What is the significance of this Friday (9/8)? a) It is the beginning of the White Dew period. b) It is the end of the Mercury retrograde. c) It marks the arrival of Bailu. d) It is when the international situation will change. Correct answer: a) It is the beginning of the White Dew period. Q2: What will happen when six stars are retrograde during the White Dew period? a) The international situation will change. b) Personally shocking situations will occur. c) Mercury retrograde will end. d) Tourism boom will end. Correct answer: b) Personally shocking situations will occur. Q3: When does Mercury retrograde end? a) September 5th b) September 8th c) Bailu arrives on Friday d) The end of the White Dew period Correct answer: a) September 5th

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that during the white dew period, Venus retrogrades into phase, and successively punishes Uranus and Jupiter. It means Venus enter the maze which represents you might lose money because you want to boost yourself. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that during the white dew period, Venus retrogrades into phase, and successively punishes Uranus and Jupiter. It means Venus enter the maze which represents you might lose money because you want to boost yourself. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Bailu arrives on Friday! 6-star retrograde! Be careful of fraudulent groups! End Mercury retrograde! End tourism boom 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Friday (9/8) coincides with the White Dew. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international star feng shui numerology expert, reminds us that when six stars are retrograde during the White Dew period, not only will the international situation change, but also personally shocking situations will occur. The good news is that Mercury retrograde will eventually end on September 16th, and blocked people, places, and things will have the opportunity to be released. The new plan will be smoother and better than the old plan. International momentum will gradually accelerate, the economy will improve. There will be good news about opening up industries, tourism and trade policies. 

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that during the 16 days of the Bailu solar term, Venus retrogrades into phase, and successively punishes Uranus and Jupiter. It means Venus enter the maze which represents you might lose money because you want to boost yourself. You would be unhappy because you can’t afford to lose or spend too much money. Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that it is necessary to upgrade one's thinking and level during this period, rather than suppressing it, because at this time, good fate in the previous life will appear, and it is a good time to improve oneself. 

Master Chiu Yenlung further reminded that during the white dew period, Neptune retrogrades and conjuncts with the evil star. A large number of fraudulent groups began to evacuate and incorporate. Be careful that the vicious gangsters are killing and finishing what they are busy with. Please guard your own wealth, and don't be the last guinea pig. But fortunately, the sun, Neptune, and Mercury are the most prosperous during this period, which is likely to bring benefits to certain industries, especially for Internet celebrities, live streaming, entertainers, celebrities, gold jewelers, cultural and art industries, and news. 13 kinds of industries such as publishing industry, import and export business, plastic industry, accommodation hotel industry, land, sea and air transportation industry, oil industry, food industry, etc. will bring good development, especially if the sun sign or rising sign is in Capricorn or Virgo , Taurus friends can have more fame and popularity, and also have the support and care of noble people. If you continue to maintain positive energy, you can get good results and gains. 

Master Chiu Yenlung also quoted the hexagram "Yilin Tun Zhisui" and said: "Taiyi came from the sky on a horse." During the enlistment of my uncle Ji, he was granted the title of Marquis of Lu. It is easy to encounter situations such as personnel transfers, job changes, changes in the order of things, and changes in regions during the Lulu period. Disappointment fails, but the third and fourth leaders have the opportunity to become the second and first leaders. These are inevitable things. Therefore, Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that when the superiors do not consider you when they are rewarding you for meritorious deeds or conferring titles, You must adopt the attitude of retreating to advance, and don't appear too radical. I believe that God has his own plan, and everything is the best arrangement. Just go with the flow. 

As for the health, during this period, special attention should be paid to ear, nose and throat inflammation, allergies, cardiopulmonary respiration, liver problems, thyroid tumors, kidney problems, internal genitalia, sexually transmitted diseases, lymph gland diseases, varicose veins, edema, fasciitis, diabetes , gout, high blood pressure, stroke, pancreatic problems, etc., as well as mental instability, mental illness, panic attacks, depression, etc. are particularly prone to occur. 

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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