12 zodiac signs' fortune in the second half of the year


這篇文章描述了秋分到來,並且提到了一位數字專家揭示了將會繁榮的12個星座在下半年的情況。數字專家邱研龍大師提醒我們,每個星座都可以利用自身的運勢來獲得好運。接下來,我們將一一分析這篇文章的內容。 首先,文章提到了秋分的到來,這是一個值得關注的時刻,因為天氣逐漸變涼,人們的生活方式和運勢也可能隨之改變。此外,還提到了邱研龍大師對於每個星座可以利用自身的運勢進一步帶來好運的建議。 然而,文章對於這位邱研龍大師的背景和專業資格並未進行詳細介紹。作為一位讀者,我們期待了解更多關於這位數字專家的資訊,例如他的經驗、研究成果以及他在數字和風水領域的聲譽。這些資訊將有助於讀者對於這位邱研龍大師的專業度和可信度進行評估。 此外,文章提到了建議星座可以利用自身的運勢來獲得好運,但並未具體解釋這個建議的基礎和具體方法。作為讀者,我們希望了解更多關於邱研龍大師是如何研究和分析星座運勢的,以及他的建議是否基於科學和經驗。 總體而言,這篇文章提供了一個關於秋分到來和星座運勢的概述,並提到了邱研龍大師的建議。然而,我們希望文章能提供更多有關邱研龍大師的專業資格和他的建議背後的科學基礎的信息。??增?文章的可信度,并提供?者更多有?星座?程的具体建?和指?。

這篇文章描述了秋分到來,並且提到了一位數字專家揭示了將會繁榮的12個星座在下半年的情況。數字專家邱研龍大師提醒我們,每個星座都可以利用自身的運勢來獲得好運。接下來,我們將一一分析這篇文章的內容。 首先,文章提到了秋分的到來,這是一個值得關注的時刻,因為天氣逐漸變涼,人們的生活方式和運勢也可能隨之改變。此外,還提到了邱研龍大師對於每個星座可以利用自身的運勢進一步帶來好運的建議。 然而,文章對於這位邱研龍大師的背景和專業資格並未進行詳細介紹。作為一位讀者,我們期待了解更多關於這位數字專家的資訊,例如他的經驗、研究成果以及他在數字和風水領域的聲譽。這些資訊將有助於讀者對於這位邱研龍大師的專業度和可信度進行評估。 此外,文章提到了建議星座可以利用自身的運勢來獲得好運,但並未具體解釋這個建議的基礎和具體方法。作為讀者,我們希望了解更多關於邱研龍大師是如何研究和分析星座運勢的,以及他的建議是否基於科學和經驗。 總體而言,這篇文章提供了一個關於秋分到來和星座運勢的概述,並提到了邱研龍大師的建議。然而,我們希望文章能提供更多有關邱研龍大師的專業資格和他的建議背後的科學基礎的信息。??增?文章的可信度,并提供?者更多有?星座?程的具体建?和指?。


Q1: Which zodiac sign is predicted to have a prosperous financial situation in the second half of the year? a) Aries b) Sagittarius c) Gemini d) Virgo Correct answer: b) Sagittarius Q2: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, which zodiac sign should take advantage of their own transits for good luck? a) Leo b) Aquarius c) Cancer d) Libra Correct answer: c) Cancer Q3: Master Chiu Yanlong is an expert in which fields? a) Astrology and Feng Shui b) Numerology and Tarot c) Palmistry and Vastu Shastra d) Crystal Healing and Reiki Correct answer: a) Astrology and Feng Shui

Q1: Which zodiac sign is predicted to have a prosperous financial situation in the second half of the year? a) Aries b) Sagittarius c) Gemini d) Virgo Correct answer: b) Sagittarius Q2: According to Master Chiu Yanlong, which zodiac sign should take advantage of their own transits for good luck? a) Leo b) Aquarius c) Cancer d) Libra Correct answer: c) Cancer Q3: Master Chiu Yanlong is an expert in which fields? a) Astrology and Feng Shui b) Numerology and Tarot c) Palmistry and Vastu Shastra d) Crystal Healing and Reiki Correct answer: a) Astrology and Feng Shui

Mater Yenlung Chiu said that the autumnal equinox is a very important transit time, which will affect your fortune in the second half of the year until March next year. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu said that the autumnal equinox is a very important transit time, which will affect your fortune in the second half of the year until March next year. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Autumn Equinox arrives and fortune comes. Numerology Master reveals how the 12 zodiac signs will be prosperous in the second half of the year. ​

By Master Chiu Yanlong

9/23 marks the autumnal equinox, and the weather is getting cooler. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in celestial numerology and Feng Shui, reminds us that  Therefore, it is recommended that the 12 zodiac signs can take advantage of their own transits. This method will bring good luck to your fortune in the second half of the year. Among them, monkey, rabbit, ox, pig, and rooster are the kings of fortune in the second half of the year, and they need to graspe carefully. 

Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that during this solar term (9/23-10/08), the fortunes of the 12 zodiac animals in the second half of the year are: 

Top1: Monkey 

Friends who belong to the Monkey, in the second half of 2023, as long as you make good use of your intelligence and wisdom, improve your eloquence and communication skills, and try your best to communicate and market, your fortune will make good progress, including becoming famous and increasing many job opportunities. Wealth will come from all directions. You can meet your noble people when traveling to distant places, overseas, or in religious groups or learning environments. Although the working environment is quite stressful, you will also gain high popularity. Remember to speak well in the second half of the year, and everything will go smoothly. 

Top2: Rabbit 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Rabbit, this year coincides with the year of Tai Sui, so please pray for more blessings to bless yourself. There will be great changes in the second half of the year, so you need to keep a balanced mentality. Studying more and working harder can accumulate strength and accumulate energy for the future. In the second half of the year, you need to increase your credibility and others' recognition of you. It is recommended to deal more with government agencies, large companies, celebrities or people with high exposure, which can increase your wealth. As long as both parties have a good credit foundation, cooperation can make your Tai Sui year go smoothly. 

Top3: Cow 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Ox will have very strong positive and partial financial fortunes in the second half of 2023. They will be able to make a lot of money in career and have fortune from all directions. They will be quite popular in the group and will need to do their work personally, but everything will go according to plan. Do note money could also disappear quickly as it comes, so be careful that sudden expenses will be huge, and it is necessary to reduce expenditures. 

Top4: Pig 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Pig, in the second half of 2023, you will meet older male nobles to help you with your career and family, which will make your heart feel much more stable. It is recommended that you try to improve your wisdom and intelligence, plan your goals and keep moving forward. It will be a great help to connect more with other places, overseas, and the Internet, but it is not recommended to invest arbitrarily, as there will be risks. 

Top5: Rooster 

Friends who belong to the Year of the Rooster will be particularly popular in the second half of 2023. They can gain wealth through beauty, fame, and popularity. Therefore, keep a good appearance, take care of your reputation, and maintain positive energy, and wealth will follo. Remember to speak sweetly. Be gentle and think for others, your career will prosper, and good luck will come. 

Top6: Sheep 

Friends who were born in the year of Sheep will have considerable motivation to make money in the second half of 2023. As long as you maintain a happy mood, your efficiency will be very high, and wealth will follow. Do more good deeds and accumulate virtue, and you will be able to possess intangible wealth. Attend more parties, and you will be able to meet someone you like and date. Remember not to have money disputes or loan relationships with others, otherwise you will be prone to lawsuits. 

Top7: Horse 

Friends who belong to the Horse will easily become the center of attention in the second half of 2023. Marketing yourself more can greatly benefit your career and wealth; praying more can eliminate evil spirits and gain everyone's love and invisible blessing in your career. Remember to give more face and sweet words to your clients or significant other, and they will be very supportive of you, including financial support. However, you must be careful to guard against unfamiliar people and avoid unfamiliar roads, otherwise it is easy to have an accident and be framed. 

Top8: Rat 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Rat, in the second half of 2023, you will have strong luck to meet noble people. It is also have strong opportunities to make fortune. Regarding work and family matters, you must set goals and move forward bravely. Remember, everything you want to have will succeed. Don’t worry too much, including when it comes to childbirth, marriage, career, wealth, etc.. Don't stop there and take no action because of self-confusion. This will waste your good luck. 

Top9: Dragon 

Friends who belong to the Dragon zodiac, in the second half of 2023, you can learn more about marketing and operations, increase your exposure, and try to become more famous. This will help you have opportunities for promotion and marriage, and you can get care from your partner and customers. Although you won’t spend too much time with your loved one, but this is a good thing because it indicates good luck for both parties. Pregnant women should pay attention to miscarriage. If you are pregnant with a daughter who is prone to miscarriage, you should be especially careful. Remember not to invest randomly as it can easily lose your money. 

Top10: Tiger 

Friends who belong to the Tiger zodiac, in the second half of 2023, both positive and negative wealth will be very good, and your sixth sense is very accurate. If you help others more, you will get more help from noble people and bring wealth to yourself. Remember that benefiting others is benefiting yourself. Speak more pleasant words and less sarcastic words, which can reduce unnecessary trouble. 

Top11: Snake 

Snake friends, in the second half of 2023, you will have a vision for your career and have self-planned steps. As long as you implement them carefully and learn more techniques and crafts, you will see rapid growth in your work. Coupled with your own marketing, you can become famous. But whether you have a good reputation or a bad reputation is your own choice. Everything can be turned into a disaster. Remember not to use money as an excuse to be lazy and stop learning or executing. 

Top12: Dog 

Friends who were born in the Year of the Dog, in the second half of 2023, eloquence, marketing, and communication will be very strong. If you speak well and market yourself, you will have very prosperous career and wealth, and there will be older female nobles to help and take care of you, including career, relationship, money, etc. As long as it is not a bad thing, please accept it with a grateful heart. Don't miss out on many opportunities because you want it but don't dare to ask for it.  


Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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