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    又來了!身為台北的猶太裔居民,以及臺北市可巴德猶太協會的創始理事長,我對於台灣的採訪、談話節目及評論中曾多次提及將台灣政治人物的行為與希特勒或納粹主義相提並論是不恰當的。不幸的是,我在台灣的這些年裡,類似情況一再發生,不論是 中國國民黨 KMT 對 民主進步黨 政治人物發表此般言論,抑或是民主進步黨 對中國國民黨 KMT 政治人物如此指摘。


    最近做此比喻的人為台灣民意基金會董事長 游盈隆,其將蔡英文總統比喻為希特勒,因民進黨日前修改了內部規則,以作為2022年地方選舉的候選人提名準則。


       我不指望 游盈隆 向台灣的猶太族群道歉,但我期盼 游盈隆 與所有 #台灣 政治人物及評論員,在未來得停止此類比喻。


《英文原文》:As a Jewish resident in Taipei and the founding chairman of the The Chabad Taipei Jewish Center, I have repeatedly written in commentaries or said so in interviews and on talk shows in Taiwan, that comparisons of actions by Taiwan politicians to Hitler or Nazism are generally inappropriate. Unfortunately, in my many years in Taiwan this has repeatedly occured. Kuomintang politicians have made such statements about Democratic Progressive Party politicians, and Democratic Progressive Party politicians have made such statements about Kuomintang politicians.

The latest person to do this is Michael You from the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, who has compared President Tsai Ing-wen to Hitler because of a change in the internal rules of the Democratic Progressive Party for how it will select its candidates for the 2022 local elections.

An important aspect of any democratic society is debate about public policy, or in this case, the internal policies of a political party. It is certainly appropriate for Michael You, if he disagrees with the Democratic Progressive Party, to criticize his former colleagues. However, there are more appropriate ways to make those criticisms than to accuse the Democratic Progressive Party or President Tsai Ing-wen of Hitlerism.

I don't expect Michael You to apologize to Taiwan's Jewish community, but I hope next time Michael You, and any other Taiwan politician or commentator, will stop these comparisons.

Enough already!



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