譚德塞點名台灣攻擊 蔡英文臉書用英文向全球說明真相反擊




WHO秘書長譚德塞於台灣時間8日23時多,在記者會上首度「公開點名台灣」 ,指責台灣過去3個月對他人身攻擊。對此,總統蔡英文今(9)日稍早前在臉書發文,對於台灣被指控在國際社會發動種族歧視攻擊的言論,「我要表達強烈抗議」。蔡英文強調,「台灣向來反對任何形式的歧視,我們長年被排除在國際組織之外,比誰都知道被歧視和孤立是什麼滋味」。

I strongly protest the accusations today that Taiwan is instigating racist attacks in the international community. Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.
I want to take this opportunity to invite Director-General Tedros to visit Taiwan and experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with and contributing to the world, even in the face of discrimination and isolation.
Taiwan’s selfless medical workers and volunteers can be found around the world. The Taiwanese people do not differentiate by skin color or language; all of us are brothers and sisters. We have never let our inability to join international organizations lessen our support for the international community.
Taiwan has poured all of its efforts into stopping the spread of COVID-19, and our achievements have received a great deal of attention from around the world. Despite being excluded from the WHO due to political manipulation, we have shouldered our responsibility as a member of the international community and taken the initiative to donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
#TaiwanCanHelp, and the spirit of Taiwan is Helping has never been influenced by nationality or race.
Taiwan is dedicated to the values of freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance. We do not condone the use of racist remarks to attack those with different opinions. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight COVID-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment. I believe that the WHO will only truly be complete if Taiwan is included.


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