Xiaoshu encounters astronomical storms! 1 way to save yourself


這篇文章提到了這個星期的光棍節氣以及天文氣象上的狀況。文章指出,在這段期間,天王星受到星團的影響,因此不宜做出重大決定。同時,當冥王星在小暑期間逆行,大魔王的威力會被放大到極致,出現雷暴、颱風等破壞性的天氣狀態。 作為專家,Master Chiu Yenlung 不僅指出了現象,並且為大眾提供了一些建議。他提醒人們注意當前的天氣變化,不要做出?動的決定,以免造成不良影響。文章也強調了認識錯誤並改正的重要性,這是從危機中挽救自己的有效途徑。 總體來說,這篇文章將純天文的知識與人們的生活相結合,提醒人們在特殊的氣象條件下,要謹慎處理自己的決定,避免不必要的風險。

這篇文章提到了這個星期的光棍節氣以及天文氣象上的狀況。文章指出,在這段期間,天王星受到星團的影響,因此不宜做出重大決定。同時,當冥王星在小暑期間逆行,大魔王的威力會被放大到極致,出現雷暴、颱風等破壞性的天氣狀態。 作為專家,Master Chiu Yenlung 不僅指出了現象,並且為大眾提供了一些建議。他提醒人們注意當前的天氣變化,不要做出?動的決定,以免造成不良影響。文章也強調了認識錯誤並改正的重要性,這是從危機中挽救自己的有效途徑。 總體來說,這篇文章將純天文的知識與人們的生活相結合,提醒人們在特殊的氣象條件下,要謹慎處理自己的決定,避免不必要的風險。


Q1. What solar term is coming this Friday? A) Slight Cold B) Slight Heat C) Great Heat D) Great Cold Correct Answer: B) Slight Heat Q2. Which star is affected by star clusters during this period? A) Venus B) Mars C) Uranus D) Saturn Correct Answer: C) Uranus Q3. What does Master Chiu advise when encountering astronomical storms like this? A) Make major decisions B) Recognize your mistakes and correct them promptly C) Ignore the storms and continue with your plans D) Call a specialist for advice Correct Answer: B) Recognize your mistakes and correct them promptly.

Q1. What solar term is coming this Friday? A) Slight Cold B) Slight Heat C) Great Heat D) Great Cold Correct Answer: B) Slight Heat Q2. Which star is affected by star clusters during this period? A) Venus B) Mars C) Uranus D) Saturn Correct Answer: C) Uranus Q3. What does Master Chiu advise when encountering astronomical storms like this? A) Make major decisions B) Recognize your mistakes and correct them promptly C) Ignore the storms and continue with your plans D) Call a specialist for advice Correct Answer: B) Recognize your mistakes and correct them promptly.

Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that 7/7 the solar terms come to Slight Heat, Uranus is affected by star clusters during this period, therefore it is not appropriate to make any major decisions at this time. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that 7/7 the solar terms come to Slight Heat, Uranus is affected by star clusters during this period, therefore it is not appropriate to make any major decisions at this time. (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Xiaoshu encounters astronomical storms! The lethality of the big devil continues to appear! Recognizing mistakes is the way to save yourself

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Friday (7/7) the solar terms come to Slight Heat. International Tianxing Fengshui numerology expert M aster Chiu Yenlung reminded that Uranus is affected by star clusters during this period, therefore it is not appropriate to make any major decisions at this time. In addition, when Pluto retrogrades violently in Xiaoshu, the demon king's lethality will be magnified to the extreme, and destructive blows from public figures will continue to appear. On top of that, Saturn retrograde and Neptune retrograde both appear in Pisces. People who are usually good at packaging themselves,  are easy to disintegrate, and the “MeToo” turmoil in all walks of life has not subsided, and only by admitting mistakes will be a good ending.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that from July 1st to July 11th, since Uranus is affected by star clusters, logic is easily confused, and people's thoughts are particularly easy to get knotted and confused. Therefore, it is recommended not to make a decision during this period, but to calmly think and confirm. In addition, affected by this astrology, the turmoil in the political circle, entertainment circle, celebrity circle, and Internet celebrity circle have not stopped, and  reputation will not solve the problem. If you do not have the courage to admit your mistakes, destructive blows are yet to come.

In addition, from July 18th to August 5th, Pluto retrogrades violently. Master Chiu Yenlung explained that the power of the devil king will be magnified extremely. Entertainment, film and television circles, real estate circles, mining circles, economics and commerce, bank currency, legislative administration, political officials, and the election  will face destructive blows, which will test the wisdom and character of the people. If there are heroes in troubled times who can find the fundamental problems and solve them, then the bad luck of the general environment will be broken.

Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that during this period, there will be Saturn retrograde plus Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Stubborn and exaggerated words and packaged persona will arouse the disgust of everyone, leading to a rapid collapse of popularity. Facing the test, it is best to listen to other people's advice. In addition, from July 11th to August 5th, there will be Mars storm again. Generally, from as big as countries to as small as individuals, there will be strong conflicts between old and new, old and young, transportation, Internet, military police, minerals, real estate, manufacturing. Pay attention to accidents in industries, textiles, religion, tourism, transportation, and traffic. Fires and wars are more likely to happen at this time.

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yilin · Tunzhiyu" and said: "The thick mats are heavy, and the husks are picked along the Gao." Although he is not afraid, he repeats his house. 』It shows that during Xiaoshu’s period of time, it seems that officials and riches are easy to get, but the danger is very close. You need to walk on a safe path step by step. Although you are strongly hindered, you must continue to persevere in order to find antidote and method.

Fortunately, the magnetic field during the summer heat is good for Cancer, Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius. There will be great gains in career, wealth, fame, and work, and new situations will emerge. Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that success lies in where the heart is. Well, it is recommended that these 4 constellations follow the trend.

Master Chiu Yenlung further revealed that Uranus will change palaces in 2026, which means that the general environment will be more unstable, the investment environment will be worse than now, and wealth will easily change. Master Chiu Yenlung said that Uranus is only 9 degrees away in Taurus and will change houses in three years. Many jobs will be unstable. In terms of investment and financial management, there will be either sudden wealth or sudden losses. If you are lucky, your wealth will fly straight up like a rocket. But it might also fall rapidly like a roller coaster. Good luck or bad luck depends on past experience, strength, behavior and character, and whether you are with the right person and whether you choose the right one. Only by being able to adjust your mentality, then you might have a chance to be reborn.

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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