【The China Post 每日精選】:一

The Beit Shemesh stadium project, one of several baseball fields being built in Israel through the Jewish National Fund's Project Baseball, has received an influx of donations since the WBC wins, with its crowdfunding campaign closing in on its goal of US$850,000.

What makes Tsai believe baseball might grow in the (baseball) desert?

There's a special trait common among Israelis, she says: once they set their mind on something, they make sure it happens.

The Story of the Haifa Lions

To demonstrate this, Tsai cited an Israeli team's participation in an annual Taiwan dragon boat race.

Before the Kaohsiung City Government invited the Israeli city of Haifa to send a team to take part in the southern city's dragon boat competition in 2011, Tsai said these Israelis paddlers didn't even know what a dragon boat was.

The team, the Haifa Lions, soon fell in love with the sport in general and the Kaohsiung competition in particular, which it has participated in every year since.

Plus, to promote bilateral cultural and sports exchanges, the Taipei government donated two traditional dragon boats to Haifa in late 2013 — a generous donation that enabled the city to start holding its own races, Tsai said. And now people in Israel are beginning to pick up the sport.

With dedication like that of the Lions, Tsai said, there's little doubt the sport of baseball will keep growing in Israel for much time to come.

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