Numerologist: 5 zodiac signs prepare to have a happy winter

Mater Yenlung Chiu reminds you to pay special attention to driving safety during this period. . (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu reminds you to pay special attention to driving safety during this period. . (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

Check in on Wednesday at the beginning of winter! Numerologist: Prepare to have a happy winter with these 5 zodiac signs!

By Master Chiu Yanlong

The beginning of winter arrives today (11/8). Chiu Yenlung, an international star Feng Shui numerology expert, reminds you to pay special attention to driving safety during this period. Besides, if you have gone to the temple to worship or let the sun shine on head between 1 to 6 minutes between 10:45 and 51 AM that day. Then you can turn bad luck into good luck and eliminate misfortune. 

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that there are 5 zodiac signs that will have particularly good luck during the two weeks of Beginning of Winter, including those born under the zodiac sign of Dragon: strong fortune and wealth, those born under the zodiac sign of Tiger: lovable and easy to make money, those born under the zodiac sign of Pig: strong fortune and official/professional luck, and those born under the zodiac sign of Rooster: their performance will improve. Those born in the Year of the Snake will have good fortune and will be very busy and happy.

Master Chiu Yenlung analyzed that the five zodiac signs with the strongest fortune during the Beginning of Winter (11/8-11/23) are:

Top5: Dragon

Friends who belong to the Dragon zodiac will have strong fortunes during this period, and with the blessings of gods and Buddhas, they can rely on intuition or prayer to turn bad luck into good luck. However, be careful that disasters are more likely to occur at home during the Beginning of Winter, which may be due to injuries, accidents, or the health of your family. Something goes wrong and affects your mood. In addition, you need to be cautious when investing.

Top4: Snake

Snake friends may be very busy during this period, but they are very happy. There is an invisible magnetic field to help bless your wealth. Just remember to smile more to strangers or friends, and always hold a happy heart, which will make you successful in your career or in the group.

Top3: Chicken

Friends who belong to the Year of the Rooster are very popular during this period and are particularly sensitive to money and emotions. It is recommended that you make good use of your quirky, charming and smart traits to communicate well with people, whether it is marketing or promotion, with your eloquence will bring you quite good wealth and performance, but during this period it is easy to encounter crazy people with high emotional fluctuations, so you need to be careful.

Top2: Pig

Friends who belong to the Pig will be able to master their work very well during this period and have the opportunity to make a lot of money. However, they are prone to conflicts with others in groups, and are more likely to have troubles in investment and financial matters. It is recommended to adjust your temper and use wisdom. Come and deal with it, you will unexpectedly find that this can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and gain the favor of your boss or group, which will further bring wealth and official luck.

Top1: Tiger

Friends who were born in the year of Tiger will spend more money on transportation, marketing and social entertainment in the early stage during this period. However, after November 13, they will exude strong personal charm and reveal their lovable traits, and will have good results. With opportunities and wealth gains, you will find that it seems to be particularly easy to make money. Please seize this opportunity, but loan relationships are prone to problems, so you need to evaluate carefully!

Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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