【The China Post 每日精選】:三

If you could have a weeklong getaway to one of the many exotic destinations in Southeast Asia, where would you like to go: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand? How about all of the above at Café at Far Eastern? Enjoy a famed all-you-can-eat culinary journey at Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei (香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店) that combines some of the best savories from around the globe with different themes.


Exclusively from now until March 26, the restaurant's head chef Brian Lin (林修諒) has specially invited experts in Singaporean, Malaysian, Indonesian and Thai cuisines — Han Xuguang (韓栩光) from The Little Red Dot (小紅點新加坡廚房), Marcus Ng (伍偉杰) from Asia 49 Cuisine and Bar and Damrongsak Khammongkhon from Shangri-La Hotel, Chiangmai — to present a zesty feast of exotic spices from Southeast Asia to Taiwan gourmets.

Inspired by the "nation of spices," the Indonesian section offers dishes such as ketumbar, kemiri and pisang goreng to deliver a mouthwatering, aromatic delight that awakens your appetite with colorful flavors from the tropics.

In the Singaporean section, chef Han Xuguang delivers his diverse craftsmanship with seasonings from the Chinese, Indian and Malay cultures of Singapore. His signature dishes include authentic chicken satay, bah kut teh (meat bone tea) and more.

Next door in the Malaysian section, Malaysian-Chinese chef Markus Ng invites you to explore the manifold contrasting and vibrant flavors in his daging masak kicap (Malay-style braised beef) and udang marjerin (butter milk prawns with curry leaves), among others.

From pepper, curry, coconut milk and basil to Thai lime and more, Thai chef Damrongsak Khammongkhon presents a wild combination of luscious sweet and sour flavors in some of his personal favorite dishes, such as deep-fried fish cake, tom yam soup and green curry with chicken and mango sticky rice, giving diners a true Thai dining experience.

These are just a few of the enticing array of Southeast Asian dishes that will be available at Café at Far Eastern. Prices for this all-you-can-eat indulgence will be NT$980 and NT$1,080 per person plus a 10 percent service charge for weekday lunches and Sunday dinners, respectively. The buffet is priced at NT$1,280 per person plus a 10 percent service charge for weekend lunches and Saturday dinners. ■

► For more information, please visit www.shangri-la.com/taipei

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