【The China Post 每日精選】:三

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The alleged gunman in a Thursday night shooting that killed three people in Taoyuan's Zhongli District has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, authorities said on Friday, June 23.

The China Post,英文,中國郵報,精選,台灣 ▲圖/翻攝自中國郵報


According to Taoyuan police, the 20-year-old assailant, surnamed Chang, killed the three victims execution-style with nine shots from a Colt 9mm semiautomatic pistol after he entered a commercial building between 8 and 9 p.m.

A man surnamed Yang escaped and notified police. Chang allegedly fled into a neighboring alley and fired a shot at pursuing police before turning the gun on himself.

The victims include a 33-year-old man surnamed Yi, a 21-year-old woman surnamed Huang and a 22 year-old-man surnamed Ku. The suspect's motive is still being investigated but initial reports point to a dispute over interests in an online gambling outfit that was headquartered at the crime scene.

The gambling ring, which had monthly profits estimated at NT$3 million, had been set up by Yi and Yang, police said.

Fifteen computers and three phones found at the crime scene were taken by police for further investigation.

Attempts to resuscitate Chang failed and portions of his organs have been harvested for donation after approval was granted from his family members.

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