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Q1. Why did the Kaohsiung City Traffic Bureau conduct an administrative inspection of the Smile Bike Company? A. Because the YouBike system was attacked by an external network. B. Because Smile Bike Company’s membership compensation plan was inadequate. C. Because Smile Bike Company did not meet the contractual obligations. Answer: C. Because Smile Bike Company did not meet the contractual obligations. Q2. How many nationwide transaction records are estimated to have been stolen in the YouBike system attack? A. About 4,000 B. About 14,900 C. About 40,000 Answer: C. About 40,000 Q3. What penalty may Smile Bike Company face if it fails to promptly complete the necessary improvements? A. A fine ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$200,000 under the Personal Information Protection Act and a contractual penalty of NT$57.8 million. B. Only a fine under the Personal Information Protection Act. C. Only a contractual penalty. Answer: A. A fine ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$200,000 under the Personal Information Protection Act and a contractual penalty of NT$57.8 million.

Q1. Why did the Kaohsiung City Traffic Bureau conduct an administrative inspection of the Smile Bike Company? A. Because the YouBike system was attacked by an external network. B. Because Smile Bike Company’s membership compensation plan was inadequate. C. Because Smile Bike Company did not meet the contractual obligations. Answer: C. Because Smile Bike Company did not meet the contractual obligations. Q2. How many nationwide transaction records are estimated to have been stolen in the YouBike system attack? A. About 4,000 B. About 14,900 C. About 40,000 Answer: C. About 40,000 Q3. What penalty may Smile Bike Company face if it fails to promptly complete the necessary improvements? A. A fine ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$200,000 under the Personal Information Protection Act and a contractual penalty of NT$57.8 million. B. Only a fine under the Personal Information Protection Act. C. Only a contractual penalty. Answer: A. A fine ranging from NT$20,000 to NT$200,000 under the Personal Information Protection Act and a contractual penalty of NT$57.8 million.










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