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澤倫斯基訪美國會演講全文曝光!全場18次掌聲 烏克蘭還活著!永不投降

This is the front line,a tyranny that knows no shortage of brutality against the lives of free people.We need your help not just to stand in such battles, but to turn it around. To win on the battlefield.

We have artillery. So. Thank you. Is it enough? Frankly, no. For Bakhmut to be not only a fortress that repels the attacks of the Russian army, but for the Russian army to retreat completely, more guns and shells are needed. In this case, as in the battle of Saratoga, the struggle for Bakhmut will change the course of our war for independence and freedom.

If your "Patriots" stop Russian terror against our cities, it will enable Ukrainian patriots to fully work to protect our freedom.

If Russia does not reach our cities with artillery, it tries to destroy them with missiles. Moreover, Russia found an accomplice in this genocidal policy. This is Iran. Iran's killer drones, which are heading to Russia by the hundreds, have become a threat to our critical infrastructure. So one terrorist finds another. And it's only a matter of time before they hit your other allies if we don't stop them now. We have to do it!

I believe that there should not be any taboos between us in the alliance. Ukraine has never asked and is not asking for American soldiers to fight on our land instead of us. I assure you that Ukrainian soldiers are perfectly capable of piloting American tanks and planes by themselves.

Financial aid is also critically important. And I would like to thank you both for the financial packages that you have already given us and for those that you may decide on. Your money is not charity. It is an investment in global security and democracy that we treat most responsibly.

Russia can stop this aggression if it wants to. But you can hasten our victory, I know it. And it will prove to any potential aggressor that no one will be able to violate the borders of another nation, commit atrocities and reign over people against their will.

It is naive to expect steps towards peace from Russia, which likes to be a terrorist state. Russians are still poisoned by the Kremlin. 

Restoring the international legal order is our joint task. We need peace. Ukraine has already made relevant proposals, and I just discussed them with President Biden - our formula for peace. Ten points that can and must be implemented for the sake of our common security, guaranteed for decades to come. And the summit that can be held - I am happy to note today that President Biden has supported this initiative of ours. Each of you, ladies and gentlemen, can contribute to its implementation. That America's leadership remains unchallenged, bicameral, and bipartisan.

You can increase sanctions in such a way as to make Russia feel how destructive its aggression is. It is in your power to help us bring to justice all those who unleashed this unprovoked and illegal war. Let's do it! Let the terrorist state be responsible for terror and aggression and compensate all the damages caused by the war.

Let the world see that the United States is here!

Ladies and Gentlemen!Americans!

In two days we will celebrate Christmas. Maybe by candlelight. Not because it's more romantic. And because there will be no light. Millions will have neither heating nor water. All this will be a consequence of Russian missile and drone strikes on our energy infrastructure. But we are not complaining.

We do not look at who has it easier. Your prosperity is the result of your national security, the result of your struggle for independence and your many victories.

We, Ukrainians, will also conduct our war for independence and freedom with dignity and success.We will celebrate Christmas. And even if there is no electricity, the light of our faith in ourselves will not go out.

If there are Russian missiles, we will do everything we can to defend ourselves. If there are Iranian drones and our people have to go to a bomb shelter the night before Christmas, Ukrainians will also sit down at the festive table there and support each other. And it is not necessary for us to know everyone's wishes, since we know that all of us, millions of Ukrainians, want one thing - victory. Only victories.

We have already built a strong Ukraine - with strong people, a strong army, and strong institutions. Together with you!We are developing strong security guarantees for our country, for the whole of Europe and the world. Together with you! 

And in the same way, together with you, we will put in place each of those who challenged freedom. This will be the foundation for the protection of democracy in Europe and the world.

Now, before Christmas, on these special days, I want to thank you. To all of you.Thank you to every American family who appreciates the warmth of their home and wishes the same warmth to other people. Thank you to President Biden and bipartisan Congress and the Senate for your invaluable assistance. Thank you to your cities and citizens who supported Ukraine this year, who hosted our people, who raised our flags, who acted to help us.

Thank you! From everyone who is currently at the front. From everyone who is waiting for victory.

And right now it is appropriate to recall the words of the great President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt:  "The American people will use all their righteous power in the name of achieving complete victory." The Ukrainian people will also win. Absolutely. I know that everything depends on us. From the Armed Forces of Ukraine! But how much depends on the world! How much in the world depends on you!

When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes handed me the flag. Battle flag. The flag of those who protect Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives. 

They have asked me to deliver this flag to you, the Congress of the United States of America, members of the House of Representatives and senators, whose decisions could save millions of lives. 

Let these decisions be made! Let this flag be with you, ladies and gentlemen! This flag symbolizes that we will win this war. We stand, we fight and we win. Because we are together. Ukraine, America and the whole free world.

And the last. May God protect our brave troops and citizens! May God forever bless great America! Merry Christmas and a happy victorious new year!

Glory to Ukraine!

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